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In the book of Wisdom, we find the literary voice of Solomon, the model king and seeker of wisdom sharing his meditations. Concepts from Greek philosophy are integrated into Jewish tradition to present new insights into how wisdom can be both a quality of God and a human characteristic. Three affirmations in this lyrical book especially resonate for modern Christians: the kingdom of God means...

Yet the Lord is merciful and loyal, restoring the broken relationship in Exodus 34:6, and here as well. In the chiastic structure of 13:10–15:13, the denunciation of makers of clay images matches that of makers of wooden images in 13:10–19. Though both sections mention makers of gold and silver images (13:10cd and 15:9cd), their chief concern is wood and clay images, and these materials provide the occasion for the rich ironies of the passages. The potter is implicitly
Pages 66–67